TUFTED PUFFIN Fratercula cirrhata

A unique species, formerly placed in its own genus but now included with other puffins. Found commonly across the North Pacific, its range encompasses that of the Horned Puffin, but is more extensive ranging from the Arctic to Northern Japan in the west, and the California coast in the east. Non-breeders lose the white face and yellow tufts, also the bill is much reduced as with other puffins, but being highly pelagic this plumage is rarely seen. Vagrancy is not unheard of, there is a UK record, and also records from Sweden, Svalbard and the Faroes, the last being shot after being mistaken for a guillemot, it was in non-breeding plumage. There is also a "probable" off Cornwall.

Taken Kuril Islands June 1993
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